Solution Provider Portal

1.点击开始菜单,在搜索栏中输入“services.msc”(输入时不要打引号),并按下回车。·2.双击打开“SoftwareProtection”服务。·3.点击“常规”选项卡,确保“ ...,Windows7BackupToolisworthlesswithWin10.Youcansetanewbackupbyturningonthefilehistorythisworksfine.Her...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Software Protection服务无法启动

1. 点击开始菜单,在搜索栏中输入“services.msc”(输入时不要打引号),并按下回车。 · 2. 双击打开“Software Protection”服务。 · 3. 点击“常规”选项卡,确保“ ...

Use Windows 7 Backup in Windows 10 (1903)

Windows 7 Backup Tool is worthless with Win 10. You can set a new backup by turning on the file history this works fine. Here is the step by step tutorial.

SPP Notification Service - Windows 7 Service

The SPP Notification Service runs as NT AUTHORITY-LocalService in a shared process. It shares the executable file with other services. If the SPP Notification ...

台式电脑如何启动SPP Notification Service

台式电脑如何启动SPP Notification Service,下面就通过图文讲解一下进入流程. 品牌型号:联想天启m4350; 系统版本:window76.1 ...

电脑如何设置SPP NotificationService启动类型?

SPP Notification Service服务项是提供软件授权激活和通知。如果我们在安装软件时,需要授权激活和通知,就需要使用到该项服务,那么,就需要启动该服务项, ...

SPP Notification Service

SPP Notification Service. Description: Provides Software Licensing (SL) activation and notification. Recommended state: Manual. Default State: Manual. Proces ...

How to Personalize Notifications in Service Provider Pro

SPP sends notifications to clients and team members natively. Here's how they can configure which ones they want to receive.

SPP Notification Service 1.0.30 - spp.exe

Description of windows startup items: SPP Notification Service 1.0.30, spp.exe. As well as user ratings, user reviews. You can use this information to ...

SPP Notification Service event id 7023

Open an elevated command prompt and run SFC /scannow. It will detect any system file errors and attempt to repair them. If it can't repair them, do a repair ...

SPP service terminates unexpectedly just after starting laptop?

SPP Service = The SPP Notification Service (sppuinotify) provides activation and notification for software licensing. I would start with ...


1.点击开始菜单,在搜索栏中输入“services.msc”(输入时不要打引号),并按下回车。·2.双击打开“SoftwareProtection”服务。·3.点击“常规”选项卡,确保“ ...,Windows7BackupToolisworthlesswithWin10.Youcansetanewbackupbyturningonthefilehistorythisworksfine.Hereisthestepbysteptutorial.,TheSPPNotificationServicerunsasNTAUTHORITY-LocalServiceinasharedprocess.Itsharestheexecutablefilewithotherservices.IftheSPPN...